Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. Everything and every phenomenon in the world other than man is administered totally by God-made laws, Submission to the good will of God, together with obedience to His beneficial Law, ie, becoming a Muslim, is the best safeguard for man's peace and harmony.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
What is the islamic stance on the Theodicy-Question?
For those unfamiliar with the term, it could be simplified as: Why did God create a world with so much brutality and unhappiness. Thanks!
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from Islam
Salaam /r/islam, Cultivate Case launched today! It's a tasbih phone case for your phone.
The Cultivate Case aims to help you in dhikr while on the go! Check it out at []
Worldwide shipping available!
What do you all think about it?
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from Islam
Twitter stream on Laïcité and Islam. Interesting criticism of Laïcité - what do you guys think?
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submitted by /u/cataractum [link] [comments] |
from Islamïcité_and_islam_interesting/
Predestination: How does exactly works?
Salam to everyone, I'd like to share my ideas of predestination and its full extent and how it reconciles with the responsibility of human actions as I understood it studying Islam. Correct please parts where mistakes ideologically speaking may occur, even citing resources where possible. So, our world it's pretty basically the constant interweaving of our subjective free will and what actually must happen since it was already decreed by Allah, whereas His judgement and His final decision to send people in Hell or Heaven is based on the first rather than the course of events and the actions of someone that He decided would have happened. That said, we nonetheless assume that what we do, or what happens, is the consequence of what we or others, except Allah, willed to do, maybe it's because we like to feel safe knowing that we can control anything of our lives, getting to the point where we decide that we are to blame for our very actions. But what if it's all apparent? What if we are to blame not for our actions but for what our free will wanted that situation to be happening, hence shifting the common thought of the judgement of Allah based on our action rather to a judgement of what was within our hearts during that specific moment? Let's imagine a person who's hungry, and decides to go into a random restaurant/bar, he orders some food and starts to eat. I believe that that specific restaurant/bar was meant to be the place where he had to eat, same goes with the food and drink he ordered, the rythm of his digestive juices breaking macromolecules into monomers, the scarce brightness of the lamps, the music playing on the radio, the light rain ticking on the window, and the girl he meets there after a while. As time passes they get to know each other and end up in a romantic relationship. Were they meant to be in the same places one near the other in the following days of that lunch, as they measured from their free wills, their free hearts and free minds, the words they said to each other? Was he meant by Allah to forge a family and have kids with that specific woman later on as happened? Let's say they make love to each other, as they are meant to, on a specific date (mm/dd/yyyy). I believe the judgement of Allah and wether He will consider that specific action to be "zina" or not will be based on the free words "I do", they could or could not have said before that specific event took place.
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from Islam
Should i message them and ask for forgiveness?
So today, for some reason a feeling took over me and i suddenly just had the urge to text everyone i might have made upset in the past and ask for forgiveness. I messaged 3 people, and we all talked everything out and ended up on good terms. Theres a long list ahead but it feels really good knowing im making progress. The fact that they forgave me, just made me feel really relieved as if the whole world just came off my shoulders. I feel really giddy and smiling like an idiot right know and i dont know why. Regardless, i know im doing the right thing. But thats not the point here. I dated this guy for over a year and he was really in love with me. I only broke up with him two months ago because i realized how wrong relationships are. It hurt him alot but i know it was the best for the both of us. My question is, should i text him and apologize? Or would it be better left alone? I feel as if i may pick at his old scars or bring up the past all over again. Also theres this guy i know who has hurt me alot, emotionally. We were never close but he spread rumours about me. He realized i hated him after that and we just became distant enemies. I see him everyday. He always gives me dirty looks. I have deep in my heart forgiven him even though he never gave me an apology. I have this urge to go up to him and talk to him. Ask him what made him do it? What made him dislike me so much and talk about me like that. I want to apologize to him for whatever I might’ve done to make him hate me like that. Should i? I feel insecure knowing he might look down on me and make fun of me for even trying to talk to him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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from Islam
Why do non-Arab Muslims transliterate everything religious?
Why do non-Arab Muslims insist in transliterating phrases and words?
Why do they/you say for example Alhamdulillah instead of Thank God? or Allah instead of God? Allah is the name of the almighty God in Arabic, why do we insist on transliterating the name itself? You don't see a christian Frenchman call God "God", but he would rather call him "Dieu", so would a German call him Gott, an Italian would call him Dio and so on.
Also, why do we keep using Arabic words for concepts that are already available in other languages (e.g. Fiqh, Sharia, Salah etc.) instead of translating them into other languages like (doctrine, law, prayer)? I'm asking this because I honestly want to know the reasoning behind this way of thinking, which in my opinion only serves to alienate non-Muslims more form Islam and make it seem more like an Arab religion instead of it being truly the religion of God for whole of mankind. And in turn spread more misconceptions about Islam, like the most famous one being Allah is a totally different God from the God that the Jews and Christians worship.
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from Islam
[Question] Can Muslims say Jesus Christ in vain etc?
Can Muslims say Jesus’ name when you get mad like when someone cuts you off on highway “fu**ing Christ dude wth was that??” Or “Jesus man ffs” etc? It probably sounds stupid but I’d like to know that and I figured this is the best to ask that question.
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from Islam
Sunnahs of speaking - what to do if you’re interrupted a lot?
Are there any relevant hadiths on how to handle being interrupted when speaking?
If my parents interrupt me I just wait until they finish. I usually do the same for imams (on occasion they go so off track for so long that my question to them isn’t being answered so I let them know). But I’m talking about my peers. I’m constantly interrupted by everyone when i speak! Any advice from the sunnah?
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from Islam
Hello people, I am on the fence between Islam and Agnosticism. Please make your best argument on why Islam is true.
I am trying to make an informed decision, and I want opinions of others on the matter. Answers in the format of “Islam is true because _____” are infinitly more likely to make me remain Muslim than “Jahanam awaits you if you leave.” Thanks again in advance for your cooperation.
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from Islam
Where do you sit once entered the mosque?
Back, center or in the front ..?
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from Islam
Spiritual Activism: The Me in the Mirror
We must individually come to terms with the “me in the mirror” or the ego (nafs). Come to terms with its wants and desires. And we must rectify them if need be in order to affect any sort of change in the world, says Shaykh Riad Saloojee.
When I proclaim, “I love,” or “I want,” or “I know,” or “I believe,” what component of my complex identity is speaking? What is the spiritual-psychological process that produces my value-statements, emotional affirmations and the alignment of my will. Who is the “I” in the me? Who is the me in the mirror?
The human identity is a compound reality. There are other elements, beyond the heart (qalb), that constitute the human identity. The most critical to examine for the purpose of understanding the spirituality of activism is the lower self (nafs).
The Ego’s Potentialities
The nafs, or lower-self, is that human faculty that is connected with the pursuit of either carnal desires (shahwa) or intellectual or ideological caprice (hawa). The lower self (nafs) is the seat of all our egotistic potentialities.
It is the locus of legal responsibility before the Divine. Without a lower self (nafs), we would be angelic. After careful analysis of the primary texts, scholars have divided the realities of the lower self (nafs) into four:
2. The predatory-self – the lower self (nafs) that finds its satisfaction in hegemony over others through violence and aggression. (Some texts in the Prophetic Traditions (Sunnah) speak of people with “hearts like wolves.”);
3. The Satanic or devil-like self – the lower self (nafs) that achieves its happiness in duplicity, arrogance and self-glorification. (Some texts in the Prophetic Traditions (Sunnah) speak of people with “hearts like “Shayatin” – or Satans).
4. The angelic self – the lower self (nafs) that finds its contentment in the remembrance and worship of the Divine.
What Is the I Invested In?
These four attributes are what constitute my inner reality, my inner image or my inner character. My lower self (nafs) is either one of these or a permutation of them in different proportions. For example, I could be part cow-like, part-Satanic and part-angelic.
The type of lower self (nafs) that I have is the consequence of my life’s choices and actions. I have molded myself. I can gauge my lower self (nafs) by the pursuit of its pleasures and delights.
Where, for example, are my energies, resources and time devoted? Ultimately, we devote the capital of our life to those pursuits that bring us happiness.
Change, Self, and World
Without an understanding of my lower self (nafs), which is the reality of my inner character, I will never be able to truly understand myself: how I perceive the world; my thoughts and feelings; why I want what I want; my actions and reactions.
And without this knowledge, I will not be able to begin the transformation, in myself and in my world, both within and without.
Previous Posts
Spiritual Activism: Uniting Soul, Mind and Body
Spiritual Activism: A Bleeding Heart
About the Series
This written series will pair with a new, forthcoming podcast, Spiritual Activism by Shaykh Riad Saloojee. He will present a paradigm for a spiritually-inspired activism that is what it was always meant to be: a vehicle for nearness to the Divine through genuine individual and social ethical change.
This series will comprise of seven discussions that explore the foundations of Islamic spirituality, the spiritual ethos that is the basis of all activism, the ailments of activism unhinged from spirituality, and an application of how spirituality must inform true environmental activism.
The post Spiritual Activism: The Me in the Mirror appeared first on SeekersHub Blog.
from SeekersHub Blog
I was with my ex for 6 and half years before we broke up in 2016 and at the time neither of us were great people. Recently she has messaged me telling me she's pulled out from marrying another guy she'd been engaged to since we broke up, citing as me the reason. Saying she couldn't be fully happy with him like she would be despite him being a great guy. Both of us have come a long long way in terms of personal development since the break up. But there's this other girl I've been chatting to and she's lovely. Now I'm torn between the 2 knowing I'd have to let one down. How do I decide? Is this a sign? Is this a test? Me and ex both appreciate if we pick up our relationship again people will talk especially since we slated each other after the break up..... What do I do?
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from Islam
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Need info about this quote?
So I read this quote from The prophet Muhammad PBUH and it doesn't really make sense sorry to say.
"The world to the beleivers is a prison and a heaven to the disbelievers".
I think that no matter what faith you are at some point you are gonna experience lows which may make life seem to be like a prison. This quote doesn't give us positivity about life in any way. It tells us this world is hell for a beleiver so what are we praying and thankful for?
We are supposed to appreciate life and the things god has given us and be thankful so if this quote is true then what are we praying and thankful for? A life where you feel imprisoned?
I think if someone lives in bad circumstances and have hardship it can be a prison but that doesn't necessarily mean that only beleiver experience that does it?
I just need some answers about this quote and what you think it means or if I misinterpreted it.
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from Islam
Help with question about the nature of Allah
Hi again /r/islam
I'm a non-believer but I read the Quran because I'm curious and you guys have been helpful in answering. This question is tough because I can't see how to ask it without it seeming offensive, so the best I can do is to assure you I mean no offence, and just ask directly.
Allah is described very often as being "merciful and easy to reconcile", but then there's so many passages talking about punishment. And this troubles me in several different ways. For example in 3:129 and 5:18, the Quran says that Allah will forgive who he pleases and punish who he pleases, which sort of makes it sound like the punishment isn't directly related to the persons actions or thoughts. Another thing which troubles me is the often very specific punishments: 2:174 people eating fire, 9:34-35 there's the really specific punishment of melting gold and pouring it on people who hoarded gold rather than spending it on good works, 22:19-20 wear clothes of fire, skin melted by boiling water, beaten with maces and so on. And there are many more.
I expect I have misunderstood plenty of these verses (I did try to look up tafsir), but even if I have understood half, there still seems to be a fair amount of pretty vigorous punishment. Where am I going wrong in my understanding?
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from Islam
I'm selling .
Audhu Billahi Min Asshaytanir Rajim,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Indeed All praise is due to God alone, and Muhammad is the final Messenger of God. I started a website roughly two years ago, Deenzone... and it got its identity through changing ideas of what its purpose would be. I don't know if anyone here knows of, but I've come to learn of it when telling my family and close friends the idea of DeenZone. Basically, I wanted to make a platform that would take the most common YouTube channels that aren't too bias to an opinion, and bring together all their posts in the form of a website. I selected around 10 YouTube channels including TheMercifulServant, TheProphetsPath, iLovUAllah, InkOfKnowledge, and YaSeen Media. Going into it, I used a shared hosting package offered by HostGator, and it was sufficient back then. However, now, the website has really grown, and knowing a bit about the way Google works, and SEO in general, that is a very positive thing for websites, the fact that they have an established growing visible over time.
I was planning at some point to add Khutbahs and expand the sources, but I never got to it because of school, and the busy schedule I had. Currently, the website automatically picks up videos using a plugin that uses YouTube's API and automatically shares them on the website with the description, and sorted into categories with tags. I've not changed the theme of the website for over a year now, I'm quite satisfied with the overall simple look, and navigation. I think simplicity is good for the typical person that's looking to learn about the religion, and on that concept I've not made it as complex as I could've perhaps.
Currently the website has over 6,000 videos from the channels provided, and a few extra pages and articles I wrote a long time ago. Considering I was little, it's not the best piece of literature, but I didn't remove it, it's right there for anyone to read. The website gets roughly 10 views a day. I also set a system so that each post published would automatically be fetched by Facebook, and Twitter accounts. It's quite funny because I forgot about the Twitter account which I checked a few days ago to see it had 4,001 posts and 2 followers 😂
I think it's been a great website I've lead until now, but because the website had a lot of thumbnails and I was over my inode usage, I had to delete over 4,000 thumbnails. The system auto-fetches the thumbnails which means so long as any of the channels upload videos, it will automatically pick up the video and the thumbnail, however the past ones I've deleted are gone, but can be re-downloaded easily with the use of a wordpress plugin. If I wanted to renew my hostgator hosting package, since the end of 3 years has come, I'd need exactly $358.20 which I don't plan on paying. Therefore, I've this website, Deenzone, which is huge because of the size of the website (at last I backed up all the thumbnails before deleting them, so right now it's around 300 MB afaik, but before, it was not exceeding 3 GB as a whole). The inode usage is still crazy, so I can't transfer this website, and it's almost become a burden to keep it. I'm being as honest as possible, as I always try to be with anything I write or say. I did have adsense on the website, and let me check right now how much it made... well, it's made nothing 😂
I think there is a great potential for the website, but I simply don't have the time to take it further. I think it's fair that I put the price of the website at $250, and perhaps have the comments thread as a bidding platform if anyone does want it for higher than that. Now would they, I don't know. But I think $250 is a fair price for everything that's in there. If you're interested in buying it, we can get into contact and I will hand you the login information for the admin account, and completely remove myself from the website. If you want me to help, that's a different story, I'd be more than willing to run you through. Once the website is sold, if it is of course :D, I will not be viable for any flaws in the system or anything like that. I'll be here to help in any case to the best of my capability, but money back guarantee or anything like that, I don't have. So, if YouTube decides they want to stop providing webmasters the ability to do this, that will be the end of the automatic video-fetching system I've currently.
It's very important to notice that if you've no knowledge of websites, it will be a one-time fee to me for the website, but you will also need hosting (you can either do something like I did, where you pay 3-7 dollars a month and host 1 to unlimited websites on a shared host, or have your own dedicated server that you own, or is provided by another service). Regarding the domain itself, I got it for $38.85 roughly two and a half years ago, on 2015-08-02. That means it has until August 2nd of 2018 till it needs renewal for another 3 years which should be the same price, and if it was at a $2 or $3 promo per year, it won't exceed 50 dollars in total.
If you've any questions, or you're interested in buying the website, I'd be more than happy to help or talk to you about it. The replies section is open for all that, and if you do decide to buy it, we can move the conversation to private messages to exchange contact information.
I also have some threads I posted before regarding the website, and if you'd like to read those, feel more than free to, they're right here:
May the peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah be upon you all :)
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from Islam
Middle Eastern Christians
Assalamu alaikum.Hello my friends. I am a Lebanese Maronite Christian, and I'd like to hear your honest opinion on Middle Eastern/Arab Christians. The reason I specify on arab christians is so that there is no way that a political divide (such as the actions of the US or Europe/Russia in the Arab World) will be taken into account. Same with historical conflicts such as the Crusades, which again, my people had no real part in.
So, what are your opinions on middle eastern christians? I hear many conflicting sources. Some argue that Arab Muslims see us as their brothers, but that argument is always disrupted by someone going
nice taqiyya
I hear completely contradictory sources from family as well. My grandfather lived amongst muslims in Egypt and seemed to have no quarrel with them, (he wasn't a fan of jews though) meanwhile my Teta carries a lot of anger from the Leb Civil War. So, instead of running these ideas in my head all day long, I'd rather just hear your actual opinions instead. You may note that I consider Middle East Christians to be ethnic brothers of middle east muslims, unlike many others who claim an ethnoreligious difference. Though, our culture is certainly different for sure.
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from Islam
Which person do you think is better, one who sins and repents and becomes a better muslim or one who never commited a major sin and remained on the path?
And which would you respect more?
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from Islam
I need your duas and some advice.
I was going to post this in /r/depression but thought about it longer and I knew I needed your help. Sometimes I get these periods of time(thankfully they only last a few days) were I feel numb with sadness. My heart doesn't pound for anything, it's just beating aimlessly in my chest for no other reason than to pump blood. As a consequence, my Iman wavers and I indulge in all kinds of sins(alhamdulilallah not major sins, but I am still not happy with them). I start asking questions about Islam that I usually wouldn't and this hurts me to feel this way. It becomes really hard to just get by and pray the daily 5 prayers.
This has only been going on for the past year and with exams closing in, I think the frequency and intesity will only increase. Everytime I leave this episode, if you want to call it that, my Iman is weaker than before it had started. It's like I have put on sunglasses that I cant take off. All I am asking for is your dua for me to get out of this loop and advice about anything you find fitting.
Salam to you!
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from Islam
"You will never be pious (a person of taqwa) until...
... you become knowledgable, and you will never be beautiful with your knowledge until you act [by it]."
Quote by Abu Al-Darda
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from Islam
Abdal Hakim Murad on Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمه الله: 'Victor Over Tribulation' (The Mihna) "The hero of the Sunni persecution at the hands of the heretic caliph al-Ma'mun, he won the affection and respect of followers of all the rightly-guided schools of Islam"
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submitted by /u/TheGrandMaster100 [link] [comments] |
from Islamرحمه/
Yet another anti-muslim assault.
Hatred attacks against islam isnt something new/rare nowadays that we get to hear once every bluemoon.
Ampara is a district situated in the Eastern part of Srilanka which was the latest target against muslims by the chauvinist movement which has been laying low for the coupla years, though none has taken responsibility over it, the incident rooted for the attack was 'food from a muslim owned hotel has had infertility pills mixed in'. Yeah, total bs. Crystal clear this was pre-planned.
Read the complete news here ( )
Coming to the reason i created this post.
This pic ( ) is one on many thats been circulating around the social media since the incident from a first attender on the scene. Its a remain of the burned Qur'an. A perfect set of verses which is well suited for these kind of events is left un-burnt.
Its the last page from surah al-hijr, Get a tharjuma Qur'an and go to the aayah 88th to the 99th.
Subhanallah, Coincidence? I think not in shaa Allaah.
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from Islam
Anyone know when the EFDawah guys are in Hyde Park?
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu.
Specifically Hamza. Is it a weekly thing? I heard them say in a video that they go every few Sundays.
Jazakum Allahu khair.
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from Islam
Google: An emerging global actor in the Internet world
from HARUNYAHYA.COM /271288/google-an-emerging-global-actor
Is it permissible for muslims to call members of the clergy from other religions by their title?
Like can muslims address Jewish rabbis as "Rabbi" or catholic priests as "Father"?
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from Islam
Monday, 26 February 2018
The Prophet( ﷺ) said:, “I wish I could meet my brothers.” The Prophet’s companions said, “Are we not your brothers?” The Prophet said, “You are my companions, but my brothers are those who have faith in me although they never saw me.”
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from Islamﷺ_said_i_wish_i_could_meet_my/
[Quran 3:139] Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are ˹true˺ believers.
- Quran 3:139
Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are ˹true˺ believers.
Sahih International
So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.
Abdul Haleem
Do not lose heart or despair- if you are true believers you have the upper hand-
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are ˹true˺ believers.
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from Islam
What Are Your Arguments?
Hello. I am doing a research project for myself. I need you. I want to give you an example to you.
You are an alcoholic and you are a devoted Muslim. Alcohol is your only problem.
Or you are smoking the cigarette too much but you don't stop it because it has a reason behind it. I don't know why but deep down inside, you must have a reason.
You are finding different ways to bypass the general assumptions of Islamic society.
What are those thoughts on your very own problems?
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from Islam
This Hadith couldnt be anymore beautiful and true my brothers and sisters
Sahih Muslim Hadith 1812 Narrated by Amr ibn Abasah Sulami I asked: O Messenger of Allah (saws), tell me about ablution also. The Prophet (saws) said: He who uses water for ablution, rinses his mouth, snuffs up water and blows it out, the sins of his face, his mouth and his nostrils will be washed away. When he washes his face, as Allah has commanded him, the sins of his face are carried away from the end of his beard with the water. Then (when) he washes his forearms up to the elbows, the sins of his arms are carried away with the water from his finger-tips. When he wipes his head, the sins of his head are carried away from the ends of his hair with the water. And (when) he washes his feet up to the ankles, the sins of his feet are carried away from his toes with the water. And if he stands to pray and praises Allah, lauds Him, glorifies Him with what becomes Him and shows wholehearted devotion to Allah, his sins will depart, leaving him (as innocent) as he was on the day his mother bore him.
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from Islam
Advice please
Salaam Everyone, After a bad past I recently starting practicing the religion I was born in of Islam Alhamdulillah . I have made some bad mistakes in my past , but I know that Allah forgives all sins inshallah. I used to never pray, did not fast, not wear hijab and work in a haram environment. I have started to pray as best I can, and plan to quit my job this week, but I still do not wear the hijab. I know it is not good to delay and inshallah I will wear it soon.
I have a question regarding repentance. I know it is not good to expose my sin, but I really need help. I have repented to Allah but I fear it is not accepted.
Basically I live in Canada and in order to graduate highschool you are required to have 40 hours of community service. I completed about 20 and then I don't know why I made such a stupid decision but I forged a signature of one of the people who run a Masjid and wrote that I volunteered at Masjid when I didn't. I used to help out there but never officially asked to volunteer there. I know what I did was something very very dumb , and mean and stupid. I regret it a lot. I feel so guilty and I know I should. It has been keeping me stressed knowing the punishment that I will have to face because of this lie.
I did not start practicing Islam as best I can until recently when I was already in college. And it is in college that I realized my sin after graduating highschool already and being accepted into college . I have not been caught for lying as I"m sure they just put it through and don't bother to check if the hours were legitimate or not. But what I did what was wrong and I feel guilty. I made a mistake that I regret very much. I did not deserve my highschool diploma I feel , actually I know. Its not right. I know it's in the past but I still feel guilt. I plan to actually volunteer at that Masjid during Ramadan Insha Allah and do many hours and help out a lot.
My question is , should I tell the school what I did? That I lied about the hours? Should I tell the Masjid that I used forged there signature and and said I volunteered when I didn't? Both the school and the Masjid don't know what I did. Or should I just leave it and repent to Allah , volunteer there as best I can and hope that my repentance is accepted. I know if I turn myself in I may face charges and my highschool diploma will be revoked thus causing me to have to leave college. I really don't know what I was thinking at that time. A simply weekend of Actually volunteering could have save me a lifetime of guilt!
My biggest fear is that all the money I make from my college diploma will be haram income because of the sin I did( as I wrongfully got my highschool diploma) ,and I will be doomed to hell. I'm terrified. Advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks all!
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from Islam
Desperate for Duas
Salaam everyone.
Making this post because I am in a time of desperate need. To put it bluntly, I have been struggling to finish my bachelors degree in engineering for a very long time. This semester marks my 6th year of undergrad, and my third attempt to graduate. The good news is, I am just two classes away now. The bad news is that I must get A's in both of these classes to meet the degree requirements.
Getting an A in an engineering class is proving to be incredibly difficult, especially as someone who is not inherently good at math/physics. I've been struggling, and I feel like I am spiraling into a deep hole and will be unable to graduate once again. That thought is giving me extreme anxiety, and I'm just making constant dua that Allah opens some door for me.
I ask from the bottom of my heart that whoever sees this, please make a small dua for me, that I'm able to move past university and get on with my life inshAllah.
TL;DR: trying to graduate for third time, struggling again, need your duas
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from Islam
Has anybody noticed....
That r/ Christianity has become much more anti Muslim ever since Trump got elected?
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from Islam
16Y Convert - Anxious about Ramadan
I am a 16 year old African American living with my (devout Christian) mother, and I am anxious because I do not know how I am going to do Ramadan. I took my Shahadah this past November alhamdulilah. I would announce my faith so I can do the necessary fastings, but Islam carries this weight from society as being labeled as a "terrorist's religion", etc that I wouldn't want to scare or lead my mother to think this way.
Has anyone been in this situation or can anyone give me tips in advance of Ramadan?
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from Islam
Four far-right plots thwarted last year, says counter-terrorism chief Mark Rowley
Mark Rowley warns that threat from extreme rightwing groups is ‘significant and concerning’
The outgoing head of counter-terrorism policing in the UK has used his valedictory speech to warn against the rise of the far-right as he revealed four extremist rightwing plots were thwarted in 2017.
Mark Rowley, the assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police, drew parallels between far-right groups and figures and the Islamist extremists they claim to despise in the annual Colin Cramphorn memorial lecture in central London.
Related: British victims of terror launch new group to fight extremism
Continue reading...from Islam | The Guardian
Women should not have to dress modestly | Letters
It is the women of Iran’s 2018 protests and refusal to wear their headscarves and not the women-dressing-in-black movement in the west of #MeToo solidarity that is the political voice of female refusal to be objectified right now.
Why speak of the two in the same breath? Because in the west the protest is assuming the most conservative attire imaginable, replete as it is with notions of modesty. It is an attire that reactionary regimes, and individuals who feel women should be demure, pacified and ashamed of their sexuality and gender, could only approve of. Meanwhile in Iran women are challenging the notion that they should be demure when faced with being attacked. They are not dressing to mourn; they are undressing to rebel.
Continue reading...from Islam | The Guardian
How and why did you become more practicing?
I think it'd be nice to share our stories. I'll start. I was 17 y/o and for some reason I was googling "loopholes in islam." After looking for a few hours I found none, then it clicked. What type of All Knowing God would make errors and allow loopholes. I started reading more about God and I was amazed.
1 year later on my 18th birthday I was up late and night just thinking. It hit me, if I were to die right now I'd die empty handed and probably enter hell. I was rude, did some sins here and there and I was far from practicing. I started becoming more pious on my birthday.
After a while I realised I wasn't praying and doing what Allah wills because of my fear for hell, nor my desire for heaven. Just the thought of Allah telling me that He believed in me and blessed me with a muslim family, yet I disappointed Him is still my biggest motivation.
Why did you start practicing harder and why do you still continue? Same reasons?
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from Islam
Shariah punishment for pouring boiling water over someone's head?
Some guy in my school allegedly poured boiling water over someone's head. He says it was an accident, but the victim says he did it on purpose. My question is, what'll happen next? He'll most likely be expelled, but what will happen to him outside of school?
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The Signs of The End Times
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Shia guy's "marriage" proposal
Basically, I live with a Shia guy (as well as others) in university accommodation and he's brought up what I believe is nikah mut'ah to me. I'm non-Muslim but I want to convert and inshallah I will this year but to Sunni Islam.
He doesn't know that I know a little bit about Islam or what a mut'ah marriage is. For me, I believe it's haram but I don't want to bring it up that I want to convert and that I think it's haram in case we argue and it's uncomfortable (would be awkward bc we live together lmao). I'm obviously not knowledgeable enough yet on Islamic matters and I don't really know how to approach the situation.
I know y'all may say to just tell him no, but I have and yet he still brings it up and told another Muslim guy we live with that "it's imminent". I've never in my life been in a situation like this as a non-Muslim and as someone who has never even had a conversation with a Muslim until a few months ago.
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from Islam
Are there any "self help" books based on hadith narrations?
I noticed something when looking at a lot of secular self development books. That for most principles they cite, there is some hadith mentioning a similar thing. For example, there is that hadith that "The best of deeds are consistent, even if they are small." There are entire non-islamic self books written based on this single principle such as The Slight Edge.
My question is, do we have any Islamic books like these that expand on actionable self development, based on Quran and Sunnah?
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The fight for the right to be a Muslim in America – podcast
A bitter legal row over a mosque in an affluent New Jersey town shows the new face of Islamophobia in the age of Trump
Subscribe via Audioboom, iTunes, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Acast & Sticher and join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter
Continue reading...from Islam | The Guardian
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Is there any Muslim here that has some time to answer some questions for my class?
Thank you.
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The hypocrisy of the Right in regards to the Hijab
I live in America and I’m sure everyone knows about our political crisis and how divided we are thanks to an orange imbecile. Of course Islam and Muslims are involved in it thanks to the ignorant views of the very right (conservatives)
Now I don’t want to generalize a whole group but a lot of conservatives think that Islam and the hijab is oppressive. They think that Islam is oppressive towards women and all this nonsense. They claim to be for women’s rights.
Ok fine one thing I do agree with them on is that women shouldn’t be forced to wear a hijab and not be looked down upon if they don’t wear one. Fine makes sense
As well all know, many hijabis WILLINGLY wear a hijab and are proud of it and enjoy it. If you are one of those hardcore conservatives where you claim to be for women’s rights and feminism then you shouldn’t belittle a woman for wanting to wear one.
You don’t agree it with it fine but if a women tells you that she is proud of wearing a hijab and willingly wears it then you should keep your mouth shut. Cause the only oppressing that’s going on is you oppressing her. Not the hijab. Don’t claim to be for the women if she wants to wear it. It’s such a big paradox.
“I believe in women’s rights and think that the hijab is oppressive and a woman shouldn’t be forced to wear a hijab. The hijab is demeaning towards women and you’re only oppressing yourself #Merica 😤😤😤”
“Ok but I actually like wearing a hijab and don’t see a problem with it”
Some of the people on the right are hypocrites and need to look themselves in the mirror.
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Why does Allah SWT tell women of age to dress modestly and wear hijab?
I'm serious about this question. I only wear the hijab because I truly believe One God exists, and Muhammad is his messenger, and Allah SWT told us to wear hijab through His messenger because Allah SWT knows what's best for us and is All-Knowing. I personally do not understand the purpose and benefits of the hijab, but I'll continue wearing it as long as I believe in tawheed. In the Quran it says something about being recognized as Muslim women. I wonder why is it so important for people to recognize when a woman is Muslim. So far I have only concluded that I don't ever get hit on flirtatiously by non Muslims (although I do sometimes get cat called on the streets by homeless ppl). If anyone knows of an article, lecture, or podcast discussing it please link it below (please nothing from TheMuslimSkeptic).
This is gonna sound weird and messed up. I don't like the hijab mainly because although it seems to have more than one purpose, to me it's basic purpose is obviously to dress modestly for the male gaze, and most people seem to agree, even though it's not mentioned explicitly in the Quran or Hadith. As an American who reads a lot about feminism and how women were oppressed I can't help but feel like it's a bit unfair. But I'm still going to wear it only because I still have complete unwavering certainty and conviction in God's existence, that Allah is All-Knowing, and that He's told me to wear it. Not because of family/peer pressure. Is this the wrong niyyah to have? I just need conviction in hijab itself so I can stop feeling like a indoctrinated person.
I have another question. If a Muslim woman does decide to not wear the hijab what does Islam say about how the father, husband, bother is supposed act? I always assumed he's still supposed to treat her with the respect and kindness she deserves, but then I hear people say things like a guy has no gheera is his close female relative wears no hijab.
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The Dhimmis, Jizyah and Kharāj during the reign of ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-’Azīz
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